
Nutrition plays an important role in vitiligo. However, there are no specific recommendations for patients with vitiligo. A healthy diet that includes a variety of vegetables and fruit is a good way to support the immune system. There are a few vitamins that have been proven to be helpful for patients with vitiligo:

  • Vitamin C- at least 100 mg taken daily
  • Vitamin E- at least 100 IU taken daily
  • Alpha lipoic acid 40 mg taken daily
  • Cysteine monohydrate 100 mg taken daily

Many foods in our diet contain antioxidants, which are helpful in reducing oxidative stress in people with vitiligo. The linked article below calculated the total antioxidant capacities of many common food items.

Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Antioxidant Capacities of Common Foods in the United States

For more information regarding nutrition in vitiligo, please reference the following book chapter:

Al-Jamal M, Hamzavi IH.
Nutrition in vitiligo: 137-150.
Handbook of Vitiligo: Basic Science and Clinical Management:
JP Medical Publishers; 2016: