Tasneem Mohammad, MD

Assessing the Reliability of Vitiligo Area Scoring Index with Digital Images of Vitiligo

Rania Mogawer, MBBch, MSc, MD

Comparative Analysis of vitiligo activity scores (VIDA versus VSAS) and extent scores (VES plus versus VASI)

Christian Russel Reyes, MS

An Analysis of Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater F-VASI Assessments in Adults with Active Non-Segmental Vitiligo

Marissa Ceresnie, DO

Measurement of Therapeutic Response Using the Vitiligo Area Scoring Index in People With Vitiligo: A Scoping Review

Gumma Sindhuri, MBBS

Colour conscious mind ( To investigate the impact of vitiligo on psychosocial and mental status of patients)

Nanja van Geel, MD, PhD

Invited Speaker: How to use the Vitiligo Extent Score (VES), VESplus and Self Assessment Vitiligo Extent Score (SA-VES)

John E. Harris, MD, PhD

Invited Speaker: Update on Vitiligo Pathogenesis

Vivek Natarajan, PhD

Exome-Sequencing of Vitiligo Lesions Indicate Lower Burden of Somatic Variations: Implications in Risk for Non-melanoma Skin Cancers

Meri Tulic, PhD, HDR

Impact of House Dust Mite in Vitiligo Skin: Environmental contribution to Increased Cutaneous Immunity and ‘Flying Melanocytes’

Archana Singh, PhD

Looking At The Brighter Side Of Vitiligo: Decoding Molecular Mechanisms behind Low Skin Cancer Incidence