November 2021: Cosmetics and aesthetics/personal and body image

For this month’s LWWV Maggi Ahemd, MD, PHD talks about cosmetics, aesthetics and personal body image. Join her to learn more about how to live well with vitiligo.

October 2021: Professional Identity and Vitiligo

As part of our year-long educational campaign, “Living Well with Vitiligo,” we are focusing on Vitiligo and Professional Identity for the month of October.

Pearl Grimes, MD

September 2021: Children and Vitiligo

As part of our year-long educational campaign, “Living Well with Vitiligo,” we are focusing on Vitiligo and Children for the month of September. This short video features insights from Global Vitiligo Foundation founding member and vitiligo expert, Pearl E. Grimes, MD, FAAD.

August 2021: Skincare and Self-Care Regimens

Dr. Mona Gohara shares insights on vitiligo skincare and self-care regimens.

Nada Elbuluk, MD

July 2021: Vitiligo: Diet and Nutritional Supplements

Nada Elbuluk, MD, MSc, FAAD talks about Diet and Supplements for people living with vitiligo.

June 2021: Mental Health

Tasneem Mohammad, MD talks about the importance of mental health.

May 2021: Skin Cancer Awareness and Sunscreen Use

Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, FAAD talks about Skin Cancer Awareness and Sunscreen Use

New Educational Series

We are very excited to announce a new educational series brought to you by the Global Vitiligo Foundation Communications Committee called, “Living Well with Vitiligo”!