Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are like magic. They take something and double it out of thin air.

Matching Gifts FAQ

Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you work for Bank of America (BOA) and donate $100 to the Global Vitiligo Foundation (GVF). Bank of America’s matching gift policy has a minimum gift requirement of $25 and matches at a 1:1 ratio. After you submit your matching gift form, BOA will double your donation by also writing a check for $100. Gifts from employees’ spouses and retirees may also qualify for a match.

Requesting a matching gift is normally a five minute process which must be initiated by the donor. You can do this by filling out and submitting a paper form provided by your employer or through an electronic submission process.

There are typically 3 steps:

  1. Donate
    Make your personal donation and save the receipt we will email to you. Many matching programs will allow for up to one year after you’ve made your donation to request a corporate match.
  2. Ask
    Contact your supervisor and/or HR department directly to ask if they offer a matching gift program.
  3. Match
    There are two common ways to submit the matching gift request:

    1. Go to your company’s matching gift web link. Log-in and submit your request electronically.
    2. Download your company’s matching gift verification form. Print it, fill it out, and submit it.

Yes! It’s not too late to apply for a matching gift! Many companies allow employees to submit match requests for 1 year following the date of the donation.

Our Information:

Global Vitiligo Foundation
1932 S. Halsted St.
Suite 413
Chicago, IL
60608 USA


T: 630-578-3991
F: 630-262-1520

Tax-ID or EIN#
