Living Well With Vitiligo

We are very excited to announce a new educational series brought to you by the Global Vitiligo Foundation Communications Committee called, “Living Well with Vitiligo”! This social media campaign will share insights, tips, and educational resources related to different aspects of wellness in many facets of life, featuring different themes and GVF physician experts each month.

Watch our website and social media platforms for information and resources!

Editorial Calendar

Our monthly editorial calendar for the next year will cover the following aspects of “living well”:

May 2021: Skin cancer awareness and sunscreen use
June 2021: Mental Health
July 2021: Diet and Nutrition
August 2021: Self-care/skincare/different regimens
September 2021: Children
October 2021: Professional identity
November 2021: Cosmetics and aesthetics/personal and body image
December 2021: Support Groups
January 2022: Inspiration and Motivation
February 2022: Exercise and movement
March 2022: Making the most of your interactions with your physician
April 2022: Overall health and wellness