February 2022
Tiffany helps by planning/organizing events, providing marketing ideas, reaching out for funding/donations, and being an advocate for those who may need it.
“One thing that I really love is connecting with children with vitiligo. Since I was diagnosed at 5 years old, growing up I didn’t know anyone else with vitiligo. It would have been life-changing for me to interact with others who had it. If I can show a child with vitiligo how confident, secure and happy I am as an adult now, then maybe I can make a positive impact and difference in their journey. I also love randomly meeting new people with vitiligo and letting them know there’s a local/national community available.”
“As humans, we have a natural sense and need to ‘belong’ and be a part of a community. VitFriends supports just that! I’ve felt so alone with my vitiligo for many years and since finding VitFriends, I have that fulfillment of belonging to something that’s ME. It’s so refreshing to be around others who can relate to and understand some of the struggles and hardships. I enjoy hearing other folks’ journeys with vitiligo as it makes me feel like I’m not alone anymore. There’s so much respect, support and love within our vitiligo community that it’s a safe zone to fully be ourselves. Knowing there’s a Vitiligo Awareness Month & World Vitiligo Day has really made me open up about my personal journey, and I’ve allowed myself to share my story with others! The support of this community has really made me proud of myself and come out of my shell more than I thought I ever would!”
Tiffany believes that everyone has their own personal journey with Vitiligo-no matter the age, race, sex or how long someone has had vitiligo, not one person has it worse or better than the next. She wishes more people knew that vitiligo is NOT contagious!
She adds, “Thank goodness for social media and virtual platforms to keep us all connected! We still periodically try to do in-person get-togethers while being sensitive to others’ feelings about COVID. It’s important that we stay connected and there’s nothing better than a big hug from a fellow vitiligo friend!”
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